
Showing posts from December, 2020

In Summary...

 This is my last blog! This has been such an amazing semester for me and I have learned so much about parenting, dating, marriage, communication, etc. I am so excited to continue learning about marriage and family through my schooling and am excited to one day be a marriage and family counselor. I hope through all of this some of you have at least learned one new thing that can hopefully be implemented into your life, bring you more compassion for others, and improve your marriage or relationships. I know from this semester I have learned so many different things that I am implementing into my life or hope to implement into my future marriage and as a future mom.   The things that probably meant the most to me out of all of this was how to better come to decisions with your spouse, homosexuality, letting your children learn from their natural consequences, and how many children one should have. I made a blog on each one of these things if you would like to go and read them. Th...


 Parenting! What a hard, but extremely fulfilling thing! I learned so much about parenting this entire semester here at BYUI from talking a parenting class and from being in family classes. I learned something new this week that I absolutely love and want to share with you all.   Discipling is always something I wondered how I would handle it. What do I want to do and not do? I always assumed that rewarding and discipling were good ways of raising children. I have learned this week that it is actually pretty disrespectful. I found this shocking and maybe some of you will too. It’s not that parents mean to be disrespectful, it’s just how a lot of us parent or assume it’s how we will parent. To pat a kid on the head, give them a treat and say “good job” for doing what we wanted them to do is disrespectful because it really is just manipulating them to do what we want. When our parenting tactics are to reward and punish, we are really manipulating what behavior we want and don’t....